Wow! That was fast.  THANK YOU to the backers who’ve fully funded our Kickstarter campaign for Dream.  We’re ecstatic to have reached this milestone so soon.

The great news is that there’s still more than 20 days to raise funds.  All additional funds that we raise will help us immensely in the marketing of the project to garner a wider audience upon release. Our plan for marketing includes grassroots screenings, events and premieres. It also includes awareness campaigns about where and when to get the VOD content of Dream. So additional funds beyond our original $5000 goal are a huge help in building the audience and campaign for Dream so that we can deliver the film to a wider audience.

Here’s an update of what we’ve already accomplished in this short amount of time: 

The very act of dreaming requires risk. Dream reveals the stories of famous and everyday people and takes a look at successful, aspiring and lost dreams. We’re excited about how our new series seamlessly weaves the life lessons and dreams shared by famed interview subjects with the storyline of aspiring youth from Africa and North America.

Dream suggests that you either live your dream or you live somebody else’s, and the series challenges viewers to create dreams big enough to build their life upon. Because even the smallest dream, when connected to your purpose, can change everything.

Stay tuned for more details!