Meet Milka, she has a dream

Meet Milka, she has a dream

Meet Milka. She wants to be a doctor. This is a story about her #Dream. We had the privilege of meeting her in Tanzania and learning about her life.  Today Milka’s dream of attending University is becoming a reality through a unique partnership with the...
Ladder of My Life Screens 6:30 PM on June 20

Ladder of My Life Screens 6:30 PM on June 20

After walking for six weeks with thousands of others at the age of 9, Monybany arrived at a ‘safe haven’ refugee camp in Ethiopia, a country suffering from a horrible famine. Eventually, Monybany and numerous other boys who had joined the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army as children were shipped to Cuba to receive an education, so that one day they would return and help rebuild a country that was devastated by war.

This is Monybany’s incredible true story.