We are global storytellers.
Unveil Studios is a full service production company. We work on creative development, script writing, and full film production on a wide array of projects. Our studios specializes in: color correction, editing, and digital mastery. We work on single shot interviews, full length feature films, and everything in between. We love to collaborate with businesses, artists and makers.
We work locally and internationally to tell stories. We create original content, and also work with corporate brands to capture their heart and message.
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In 2006 six friends set out on a trip around the world to make a film about happiness called E for Everyone: The Mouse and the Elephant.
Unveil Studios was formed to produce that film, which became a catalyst for local initiatives to perform outreach in Kenya and India. The team had only dabbled in video, yet with determination they set out on their very own international film school, and presented their first full length feature to a packed audience in December of 2007.
While some things have changed, and founding members have moved on, the core mission of Unveil Studios has remained the same: to tell stories that impact audiences, even change the world. Much of the journey has felt unconventional, yet it has been packed with purpose. Matt, Dan and Andrew have been able to follow their paths as indivduals, and as a team. Their relationship creates a unique dynamic, filled with adventure!