by unveilstudios | Nov 29, 2013 | Film, She Has A Name |
How can you go to Cambodia and not take in a world heritage site? You can’t. We joined many hundreds of other tourists on the impressive site, walking its steep steps and marvelling at the 12th century artisanship on display. We had a really meaningful time of... by unveilstudios | Nov 28, 2013 | Film, She Has A Name |
We counted ourselves fortunate to find a Starbucks at the airport to get a jolt of much-needed caffeine. After 36 plus hours of mostly sleepless travel, we needed a boost before we jumped on our flight to Siem Reap, Cambodia. We considered ourselves even luckier that... by unveilstudios | Nov 23, 2013 | Film, She Has A Name |
A new chapter to our story as Unveil Studios began with a long flight overseas, made longer by fires over Russia which we could not see under the dark cloak of night. Smoke forced our pilot’s hand to detour around the plumes, adding two hours to our flight time....
by unveilstudios | Sep 11, 2013 | E for Everyone, Film
We dug into the archives have dusted off our E for Everyone road journal. A lot’s changed at Unveil since we embarked on our first adventure into film in 2006. For us the trip around the world to ask 9 questions of people living in extreme wealth and poverty...
by unveilstudios | Sep 11, 2013 | E for Everyone, Film
That’s a wrap… for now April 16th, 2006 It’s official. Our overseas location shoot is complete! Matt gave the nod on 13 April that we had the footage we needed in Thailand: time to put the cameras and other equipment down. We will enjoy our last few days in...
by unveilstudios | Sep 11, 2013 | E for Everyone, Film
where are they now? You might be asking, what’s up with the E for E crew? It’s been sometime since we were on the road. Our lives have been filled with many things. Em is pulling off flawless grades in the fine arts programme at RDC while and working at...