by unveilstudios | Feb 18, 2014 | Corporate, Film |
Unveil Studios has been hired to produce 40 minutes of film for the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards Gala since 2011. The Academy-Awards-style gala honours the best and brightest in the Comox Valley. This segment features 3 of the 10 Award categories and... by unveilstudios | Feb 13, 2014 | Awareness, Film |
We’re not really talking about hugging while running, although that sounds pretty fun (and challenging). We love helping people achieve their goals, especially when they’re so noble. Embrace the Race is an epic event spanning Vancouver Island, featuring a... by unveilstudios | Feb 4, 2014 | Corporate, Film |
We were pleased to support the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce for their Annual Awards again this year. With the theme Unordinarily Extraordinary, from the infamous Alice in Wonderland, we opened the evening with clips from the nominees quoting the famous text....
by unveilstudios | Dec 24, 2013 | Film, She Has A Name |
Everywhere you look there’s activity. Motorized tuk tuks weave through traffic, their drivers slowing down to offer you a ride. It seems that most everything in Cambodia is $1. Bottle of water? $1. A book outlining the dark history of re-education? $1. Foot...
by unveilstudios | Dec 16, 2013 | Film, She Has A Name |
Our first afternoon in Phnom Penh we spent visiting some areas notorious for trafficking of children. It was sobering to drive through Pedophile Alley where old white men sit alone at night waiting for pimps to bring kids as young as 5 years old for a night of sexual...
by unveilstudios | Dec 2, 2013 | Film, She Has A Name |
As Shari put it, we took a “rally drive” seatbelt-less in a Lexus from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh. It was a six hour road race with the pedal to the metal (when the road was clear enough of water buffalo and potholes) for our driver to floor it. And oh the...