What do you get when you cross a trombone with a tutu?

What do you get when you cross a trombone with a tutu?

76 Trombones is an awe-inspiring new work from Vancouver Island sculptor Douglas Walker.

Filmed by Unveil Studios on beautiful Vancouver Island, the short film features the creative vision of Doug Walker, an eccentric creative talent based in Black Creek, British Columbia.

Doug Walker is known around the world for his commissioned installation pieces. The quirky and unique water fountains are made from treasured musical instruments and brass works.

“Intersections” – a short film

“Intersections” – a short film

When tragedy struck one of their own, Scott Builders co-workers came together in a “conspiracy of generosity and kindness” to do something that one family will never forget.

Intersections is a real-life story that highlights the down-to-earth, family-focused values that make the province go round and that propels the vision of Scott Builders.

Ladder of My Life Screens 6:30 PM on June 20

Ladder of My Life Screens 6:30 PM on June 20

After walking for six weeks with thousands of others at the age of 9, Monybany arrived at a ‘safe haven’ refugee camp in Ethiopia, a country suffering from a horrible famine. Eventually, Monybany and numerous other boys who had joined the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army as children were shipped to Cuba to receive an education, so that one day they would return and help rebuild a country that was devastated by war.

This is Monybany’s incredible true story.