
Joseph for the page
A work of short fiction and verse, and a discourse on the biblical name. The book is centred on a modern day telling of Joseph and explores his journey with schizophrenia from childhood to the point of his electro-shock therapy during Bible College. Throughout his life Joseph blends narratives – fairy tales and Bible stories – and is haunted by a Cinderella figure who teaches him to listen to his dreams. The Joseph narratives are connected by the graphic, prophetic dream sequences the characters share through the centuries.
Read the poems that were published in Vol 1 Issue 1 of Rock and Sling.
Joseph for the stage
Joseph, a young man in his first year at Bible College is forced to come to terms with his mental illness. As Joseph’s life unravels, he resists medical treatment with the desire to be healed by faith. Joseph’s growing love for Becky, a girl from school and the one person committed to his wellness, is threatened by Cindy, his lifelong companion who both haunts and captivates his imagination.
Joseph, a young man at Bible College
Cindy, his companion since childhood
Becky, a fellow student at College winning his affections
Play Development:
Andrew adapted Joseph into a one act play in 2008.  It was selected for SAW 2008 and was workshopped with prolific playwright and film actor Daniel Libman and directed for a public reading in 2008 at the Red Deer College by Eric Rose of Calgary.

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