
About God/he: A collection of vivid, image-based poems, God/he is both love song and shouting match, an existential celebration and struggle between the human and Divine. The work is written in the spiritual tradition of wisdom literature and paradox, framed by the stories of Job and Jacob who wrestled with God.

Themes the collection examines are the power and force of words, the risk of love, and the inevitable suffering of man and God as they live and interact with each other.

Through the collection /he faces the agony and insanity of existence head on as /he starts to become more and more unfamiliar with the God /he thinks he knows so well, a God who is a trickster and green-thumb, a bloodhound on the trail, a doctor who treats Chlamydia before lunch.
Selected poems from God/he were published in Rock and Sling (2004) and chosen for the annual Utmost Poetry contest (2004 and 2005).

Read a sample of the award-winning poems.