After All - Christmas Poem Andrew Kooman

After All – Christmas Poem 2019

Thank you for connecting with me over the last year through my blog. As is my tradition, I wrote a poem for Christmas, my way to engage the wonder and mystery of the season. 

I pray that the humility of Christ in these apoplectic times resonates with your mind and quiets your heart this Christmas.

After All*

Christmas 2019

After the frenetic pace of the cross-country 

journey and the frantic search for any

place with a warm, clean


All the strange and surprising 

collisions of an obscure tribe over 

generations (devious ploys, barren 

wombs, grumbling in the desert, implausible 

gambles) while Heaven

wove its will with the human thread

through time

Once the prayers of 

some thousand women and

men through the ages

filled the golden bowls

of Heaven like so much

frankincense so that, of

all disguises, the Messiah

could side step the marble

corridors of Augustus 

opulent halls of Herod to be 

born of a woman

as helpless babe

When that first, stark cry

from fluid-filled lungs

split not only the cold hill country air

but history 

in two

All He wanted to do 

was look at Him

The soft sea

shell of an ear that

one day would 

hear the Spirit’s 


Eyes dark as the 

expanse between two stars

alert yet unable to see beyond

the cooing voices round the 

manger, eyes that would fiercely

search the world of men

help the blind to see

The crescent moon

of a fingernail

curled into the palm of the smallest

hand that could hold the universe

together, open willingly to be

pierced with a rusted

Roman spike

The mystery of ages

revealed, hope of 

nations born 

as the great doorway 

to life turned open on its

eternal hinge to release

from its great stores

a flurry of redemption upon

the arid earth

All He wanted 

was to look

at Him

Andrew KoomanLondon, Ontario
© 2019

* Not to be distributed or reprinted without permission from the author.

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