Micah Featurette – We Are the Body

Call it a coping mechanism, or simply a human inclination to laugh, Micah resorts to humour in order to survive the early days of his imprisonment.

As the stories of the three main characters in We Are the Body unfold, Micah’s resilience unravels. A young man when thrown in jail for attending an illegal meeting, Micah wastes away in prison in a small cell with little light and hope, afraid the only physical touch he will ever know is the forceful blows of Soviet fists.

His secret conversations with Elsie and Richard through Morse code are a flicker of light in the darkness.

Here’s a sneak peak at his story through the new featurette released by Burnt Thicket Theatre:

We Are the Body premieres in Red Deer, Alberta May 5-9 followed by performances in Calgary, Alberta May 13-23 and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan May 26-31, 2015.

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